Just an ABA Therapy App? It's So Much More.

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I consider myself an expert in a field I never expected to join.

My son has autism, and I’ve spent countless hours searching for the best possible care.

I’ve been at this for a few years now, and I’m tired.

It shouldn’t be so hard to get quality autism support for your child.

And this is coming from someone who serves on the board of a statewide autism nonprofit.

But this is also someone who lives in Nevada, a large western state with large swaths of rural areas.

And even though we have a city as large as Las Vegas, there aren’t a lot of options for high-quality autism behavioral therapy.

So it’s fitting that I found a helpful service for my child that is located more than a thousand miles away, in Florida.

And it’s even more interesting that I learned of AnswersNow from the Florida-based telehealth service that I’m also using.

The behavioral therapist who was working with my son said that a new company was working on making autism support more convenient and affordable for parents.

I had tried everything, and I had had a lot of bad experiences along the way.

I experienced a wide range of frustrating interactions with behavioral support workers who, it became painfully clear, were not always qualified to be doing what they were doing.

But then our clinician in Florida, who my family very much trusted, told us about the AnswersNow autism app.

Being an avid technology user, I decided to see what AnswersNow was all about.

Let me tell you something: I am so glad I decided to take the plunge.

I downloaded the app, and, after answering a few short questions, I was quickly assigned to Audrey, a board-certified behavior analyst.

The whole process was surprisingly simple. So far, so good.

I started messaging Audrey on the app, and I shared information about my ongoing struggle to find quality care for my son with autism.

Audrey responded quickly and always had helpful tips for how I could support my son. I was incredibly impressed by her responsiveness, professionalism, and empathy for my family’s situation.

In other words, my family really came to rely on her and her words of wisdom.

The whole experience has been fantastic.

It makes me wonder why an app like this hasn’t been available until now. What took so long?

The most important thing?

The support I get for my son has always been of the highest quality.

But little did I know just how valuable this ABA therapy app would become.

I received very bad news about a month ago.

My father, who had been sick for some time, took a turn for the worse. He passed away soon after I learned of this.

It was all so sudden.

My family flew from Nevada to Tennessee to be there for him–and then to take care of all of the funeral preparations, all while trying to process our sudden–and extremely intense–grief.

And, as you might expect, my son with autism did not handle it well at first.

Then, I remembered that I had AnswersNow.

I stayed in touch with our clinician, Audrey, while all of this was going on.

She helped me respond to my son’s strong reactions, including very defiant behavior that I had never seen in him before.

I am not mincing words when I say that AnswersNow was a lifesaver for me and my family. I honestly don’t know how we would have gotten through the aftermath of my dad’s death without them.

I tell anybody and everybody about this app. It really is that incredible.

I went into this whole experience with the AnswersNow app with an open, although somewhat jaded, mind.

I thought I would just be getting autism support for my son, but I ended up getting emotional support for myself as well.

And all of this is happening through an app.

I’m truly amazed by how the world is changing.

But the power of human connection? I think that’s something that will always stay the same.