This App is the Future of Autism Support for Your Child

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When we first started with AnswersNow, we knew through our collective years of experience that parents have a lot of questions.

How do I help my son tie his shoes?

What waivers are available for my child?

How do I pick fun family summer activities for my daughter and my family?

Parenting a child with autism doesn’t come with a guidebook or instruction manual.

Wouldn't that be nice?

One thing became apparent early on in the AnswersNow journey. There is no one way to help families of children on the autism spectrum.

Every parent of a child with autism has a different question or need.

What also became apparent was that our experience, knowledge, and techniques could absolutely help parents over text and phone call.

The very first user of our platform was Megan, and she was asking for specific help for her incredible son, Daniel. (Both parent and child’s names have been changed to protect their privacy.) Megan was then paired with one of our clinicians, Ted Hoch.

Daniel was having a hard time using public bathrooms because of the automatic flushing toilets.

Megan was lost, frustrated, confused.

This presented her family with a lot of challenges.

Primarily, it meant that she and her family were unable to go into public for extended periods of time.

Too much of an individualized problem, right?

Not at all!

AnswersNow clinician, Ted, talked Megan through a number of instructions.

After a few weeks, Daniel was no longer afraid of using the bathroom, and Megan had tremendous peace of mind.

This is just one example of how one of our parents had an individualized concern that was resolved with the help of an AnswersNow clinician.