You're amazing

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Parents are amazing. They’re resilient, passionate, and incredibly dedicated. Take a parent of a child on the autism spectrum, and you can often times multiply these traits by 10.

Parents come to AnswersNow because they want to learn about a behavior, find something for their child to do over the summer, they're confused by the IEP process, or are unsure about a piece of advice they were given on Facebook. This list goes on and on, but they are all looking for a way to better provide or advocate for their child when sometimes it feels like no one else will.

Starting AnswersNow and hearing some of their stories has been the most fulfilling and life-changing experience. I get more from these parents than I can ever give them.

I want to thank our parents for entrusting us with information about their family. We do not take it lightly. As this company continues to grow, we strive to keep up the level of clinical commitment that we had when it was just 5 parents, 2 clinicians and an intimate group chat for our proof of concept. Your feedback is only going to make the experience easier and more supportive for parents that find us in the future, and we are grateful we can build a more enlightened solution together.

Thank you to all of our amazing parents.